Megan Ribner
For us at Double Lantern, Megan Ribner brings a light and positive attitude that carries us forward. She is a strategic partner of Double Lantern, serving in additional capacities for other organizations. We're thrilled to have a portion of her time each week and forever grateful for her friendship.
Areas of Expertise​
Human rights
Corporate sustainability
Public relations and communications
Megan Ribner is a seasoned health, human rights and sustainability consultant with experience working with leading companies and organizations.
Megan is passionate about public health and well-being. As a strategic partner of Double Lantern Informatics, she collaborates with a key client to ensure traceability, transparency and accountability related to patient’s protected health information. She also creates engaging visual content to educate providers and patients about new tools and technology.
She previously served as an account director at Flag Communication, where she directed the creation of environmental, social and corporate governance reports; strategies; and engagement plans related to human rights and sustainability for prominent corporate clients in the health, technology, food and beverage, and consumer goods sectors.
Megan holds a master of public health in global epidemiology and a certificate in social determinants of health from the Rollins School of Public Health at Emory University. She earned her bachelor of arts in communication and Spanish from American University in Washington, D.C.
After college, Megan worked at a health PR firm where she collaborated with pharmaceutical companies, government agencies and health nonprofits to develop engagement strategies, communications plans, and public relations and marketing content.
Megan loves traveling and will happily work from anywhere. She is a member of Impact100, a philanthropy that empowers women to create transformational impact, a member of The Young Professionals at the High Museum of Art and is heavily involved with the Fernbank Museum of Natural History. In her free time, she loves gardening and restoring her 115-year-old home in downtown Atlanta with her husband.